• Vieux Chateau

    30 Sep 2015

    We stayed in Chamonix for a couple more days sport climbing and then headed north up towards the bouldering mecca that is Fontainebleau. On route we bought a solar shower (which owing to stopping off at my uncles flat briefly we haven’t used yet). I also bought some fleece lined teal trousers which I am very excited about.

    As it’s quite a drive, especially in a slow van, not on the toll roads we looked up a climbing area that was sort of on route and found lots of limestone crags, and one perfectly positioned granite one. We spent a night just outside an aire on the way up so we didn’t have to pay in what was essentially a carpark for rich people with fancy campervans, but we did use their picnic benches in the morning :)


    We had another hours drive before we reached Vieux Chateau and then enjoyed a days climbing in a quiet spot with a lovely view from the van.


    view from the van

  • Aiguillette des Houches

    25 Sep 2015

    We thought we would go for a walk on the other side of the valley to get some nice views over the mont blanc range. We were able to park fairly high up but it was still a big hike up to the top. It had snowed a couple of days before meaning there was snow on our side of the valley, at the very top and the views from the summit, and on the way up, were well worth the walk.


    views of mont blanc

    ridge walk


    We got a great view of the drus from up here, a climb that is on the boys wish list. Bit scary for me!


  • Qualified Social Worker!

    22 Sep 2015

    So i had my housemate open my post to give me my uni results and I have passed my masters with distinction! Super happy! I am a qualified social worker :) The only problem is that now I have to get a job when really all I want to do is go climbing…

    celebratory ice cream

    Anyway, given that I can just go climbing, for the time being, we celebrated with a huge ice cream and a days sport climbing and then went out for dinner.

    We also made the mistake of going to see Everest. It was horrible. I already knew the story quite well after reading into thin air as well as watching and reading various interviews and about the storm. So I knew who died, and when, and I knew — spoiler alert — there was going to be a horrible conversation between a man and his pregnant wife which I was dreading, and then cried through. But we did get some super cool 3d glasses, and seeing as I’m inadvertantly doing film reviews now I will add that it was pointless to see in 3d, only that we sort of had to, it was 3d in english or 2d in dubbed french.


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