So i had my housemate open my post to give me my uni results and I have passed my masters with distinction! Super happy! I am a qualified social worker :) The only problem is that now I have to get a job when really all I want to do is go climbing…

celebratory ice cream

Anyway, given that I can just go climbing, for the time being, we celebrated with a huge ice cream and a days sport climbing and then went out for dinner.

We also made the mistake of going to see Everest. It was horrible. I already knew the story quite well after reading into thin air as well as watching and reading various interviews and about the storm. So I knew who died, and when, and I knew — spoiler alert — there was going to be a horrible conversation between a man and his pregnant wife which I was dreading, and then cried through. But we did get some super cool 3d glasses, and seeing as I’m inadvertantly doing film reviews now I will add that it was pointless to see in 3d, only that we sort of had to, it was 3d in english or 2d in dubbed french.
