We stayed in Chamonix for a couple more days sport climbing and then headed north up towards the bouldering mecca that is Fontainebleau. On route we bought a solar shower (which owing to stopping off at my uncles flat briefly we haven’t used yet). I also bought some fleece lined teal trousers which I am very excited about.

As it’s quite a drive, especially in a slow van, not on the toll roads we looked up a climbing area that was sort of on route and found lots of limestone crags, and one perfectly positioned granite one. We spent a night just outside an aire on the way up so we didn’t have to pay in what was essentially a carpark for rich people with fancy campervans, but we did use their picnic benches in the morning :)


We had another hours drive before we reached Vieux Chateau and then enjoyed a days climbing in a quiet spot with a lovely view from the van.


view from the van