We had first heard, and then seen this marmot (or one of a group of marmots) at an entrance to a cave where some of the climbs are.


We hadn’t managed to get a photo of it and the boy has this fancy camera that has a remote setting we can link to my tablet, and the idea was to set the camera up on a tripod close to the cave entrance and then retreat to an unthreatening distance. We saw the marmot on the way down to the climbs so thought it would be a good time to set up the camera. We tried not to spook the marmot but it disappeared inside the cave.


We sat around the corner from the camera waiting to see if it wold come out, but about 10 minutes later realised that the camera was being coveted by a group of pre-pubescent boys who were creeping up on it thinking no-one was around. They also clambered all over marmot rock which probably spooked it. We set up the camera again near us at another entrance we had seen the marmot at, and set the camera to take a photo every minute or so. With the camera just in sight we climbed for around an hour and then checked the photos. Nothing. We assumed the marmot had just left because we and the kids were too noisy so gave up, but when we walked around the back he was bloody looking at us!


Happily the next day i managed to get a couple of blurry snaps!

