Although we still were not sure about the dolomite rock we thought we should at least give one of the many multi-pitch routes in the dolomites a go. We settled on Rossi as it was well within our abilities grade wise but slightly more pitches than we’ve done before.


We parked up close to the climb, one of the better things about the dolomites over val masino was the proximity of the climbs, no slogging for us!


The plan was to move together for a few pitches like we had done so successfully on the sfinge. However there was nowhere to place gear so we faffed around and dropped our coils and basically wasted a bunch of time. We were caught up by an Italian guide and two kids (his? who knows?) and they clumsily overtook us. I have held no problem with being overtaken at ab points but the irritating thing here was that the guide was fast but the two kids behind him were slow which meant that we kept crossing paths, there was a tremendous amount of rope faff and the boy got held up at the crux because the youngest kid couldn’t do it. Ugh. Anyway we had a sandwich break and let them get on with it.



The top was interesting as the ab ring was not immediately obvious and after the boy built a belay and I climbed up, the walk around the chamois terrace (sadly devoid of chamois) looked pretty sketchy.


However when we got round to the places with huge drops they had chains to sling yourself too.


We shared abseils down with some friendly guys and went back to enjoy a coffee and the view from the back door of the van :)